Your Story Is A Gift

Story helps define who we are, makes us laugh and cry, opens our hearts, inspires us to do more, clarifies confusion in our lives and heals and transforms. As a pathway to wholeness, story is indispensable to life, especially when we may not be feeling so complete.

Each free monthly Camino Wisdom Stories event carries a life theme related to the Camino. If sharing stories, finding insights and wisdom sounds intriguing, fun or supportive, please do join this interactive 90-minute online event. If you have a story to share, do tell us via the contact box below.

Read Here what others have to say about Camino Wisdom Stories.

Saturday, September 21 2024

‘Dreams are often most profound when they seem most crazy’.

Sigmund Freud

Bottom bunk, Ventosa albergue, La Rioja.  I woke up startled.  What a crazy dream.  My Mum truly had come back from the dead; I heard the exact intonation of her voice and she was ‘standing there’ so vividly. In the 15 years since her death, I hadn’t before felt her presence like that.  I can’t today recall any of the 'interaction' although I'd like to think some motherly wisdom was being imparted to guide me on my way.

Scientists don’t exactly know why we dream. Dreams, which feature strange or disturbing imagery, some experts believe represent metaphorical depictions of what’s going on in real-life experiences.  Another thought is that dreaming helps us navigate times of intense emotion in our life. Sleep disruptions, sleep deprivation, stress, trauma, bereavement, anxiety, and regular aerobic exercise have all been linked to vivid dreaming.
Did you experience a ‘crazy’ dream on or about the Camino?   Perhaps it:

  • Provoked strong and unexpected emotions

  • Related to something happening in your waking life

  • Made no sense whatsoever and still doesn’t today

  • Provided you with a solution you were looking for

  • Opened a window into your ‘future’ and today, with hindsight, the dream’s meaning is clear.

Register here for this 90-minute free webinar on September 21, 2024.

TIMES: San Francisco 11am, Denver Noon, Chicago 1pm, New York/Toronto 2pm, London 7pm, S.D. Compostela 8pm, Sydney 4am (Sun), Wellington 6am (Sun)


Let us know if you have a story to share

  • Kathy Kehe (pronounced “kay”) walked her first Camino in 2012 and has since returned twice. One of her passions is talking with others about their Camino experiences and integrating a Camino sensibility into everyday life.


Meet Your Hosts

  • Adam Wells walked his first Camino in 2011 and returned in 2019. The Camino provided Adam a way by which to transform his life and work, which now includes creating programs centered around exploring inner pilgrimage as a powerful catalyst for changing our personal narrative and guiding our aspirations to live and lead wisely.