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Camino Wisdom Stories Free Online Event

Where the Veil is Thin

On one level, we are each unique individuals with a finite lifespan.  On another level, we are part of the ‘whole’; the all-pervasive mystery of life and the universe at large.  You might say the veil is an invisible barrier between the worlds of the known and unknown, the seen and unseen and the living and the spirit. 

The ‘thinning of the veil’ can be a time when you feel more connected to the ‘other’ world.  Perhaps on the Camino:

  • Your dreams were more vivid and stranger than normal

  • Your intuition became super clear to you

  • You encountered strange serendipities or mystical moments

  • You experienced a significant ‘energy’ shift at a specific spot

  • You found a particular time of day was always magical for you

What’s your story?

Register here to listen to and/or bring your story to this 90-minute free webinar on October 15th 2022.

17 September

Camino Wisdom Stories Free Online Event

22 October

American Pilgrims On The Camino Online Event