Bring A Camino Quality Home

Free 3-Part Program


Since my first Camino in 2012, I've been on a mission to find ways to 'Bring the Camino Home.' I’ve seen that we can experience the best parts of the Camino at home when we open ourselves and move towards it. I also delight in seeing how this can ripple out and positively impact others.

What could happen if we each choose a ‘CAMINO QUALITY’ we want to experience more, and then be open to it and nurture it at home?

I’m inviting you to join me and fellow pilgrims on a virtual path to do just that in a FREE, INTERACTIVE, 3-PART SERIES called 'BRING A CAMINO QUALITY HOME.'

Is there an element or quality you experienced freely and fully on the Camino that you'd like to enjoy in your daily life?

A quality might be: 

  • Fun

  • Adventure

  • Confidence

  • Communal meals

  • Curiosity about strangers

  • Freedom from responsibilities

  • Connection with the Divine

 Whatever your desired quality is, I KNOW you can find it in your daily life.

 I have found that this will be supported if, as on the Camino, we have: 

  • A 'container' where we set aside time and space, with a beginning and an end date.

  • A community to engage with and provide/receive encouragement

  • A direction and an intention

  • Clear steps that become clearer by continuing to move forward 

In our group sessions, I will guide you through some exercises, give you an opportunity to connect with others in breakout rooms, and help you identify your next steps before the end of each call. Between the sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to practice your chosen quality in your daily life.

If you’re curious to see what can happen, and this sounds fun and supportive, please join me. Please also feel free to share details of this program with your fellow pilgrims and Camino family with an invitation to join you on this journey.

  • Tuesdays: July 30th, August 6th and 27th

    San Francisco 3pm-4.30pm

    Denver 4pm-5.30pm

    Chicago 5pm-6.30pm

    Boston 6pm-7.30pm

    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 7pm – 8.30pm

    London, U.K. 11pm -1 2.30am

    Madrid, Spain 12:00am - 1.30am (Wednesday)

    Sydney, Australia 8am-9.30am (Wednesday)

    Wellington N.Z. 10am-11.30am (Wednesday)

  • Saturdays: August 3th, 10th and 31st

    San Francisco: 11am - 12:30pm

    Denver 12pm-1.30pm

    Chicago 1pm-2.30pm

    Boston 2pm – 3.30pm

    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 3pm - 4.30pm

    London, U.K. 7pm – 8.30pm

    Madrid, Spain 8pm-9.30pm

    Sydney, Australia 4am-5.30am (Sunday)

    Wellington, NZ 6am-7.30am (Sunday)

After you register you will receive a confirmation email with a zoom link. There's also a link to check the time conversion for your time zone. 

Each session will be recorded and shared if you can't make a session, though I do encourage you to participate in the live Zoom sessions to foster a sense of community and receive the most benefit.

Let’s get together and have a little fun as we explore how we can create something of the Camino in our daily lives. I sincerely hope you’ll join me.

With Camino Spirit,


"Bring Your Camino Home" 

Because the world needs more peaceful, connected, happy people. 

Any Questions?

Contact Kathy Kehe at:

USA: +1 (970) 215 9036